My name is Sandro Jonas and I work with Movement and the Sacred Masculine.
For my work with movement,
I'm inspired by various forms of movement/dance, such as ZeroOne, 5Rhythms, Dance Movement Therapy, Gaga, Contact Improvisation and Ecstatic Dance, where the essence of the participant, what they feel, what they are, is the basis of the exploration of movement and lived experience. My greatest sacred masculine teachers are Miguel Sevilhano, Rui Estrela, Loren Krenn and the Sacred Sons.
My first experience with dance
was through classical ballet and modern dance when I was 17. I immediately fell in love with this new language of expression, the body. For five intense years, I worked hard to make up for lost time and become a professional dancer. But as I started late, some doubts began to occupy my mind. It was inevitable to compare myself with others and I gradually felt that I had no place in dance, something that would also allow me to be financially independent and support my family.

Twenty years have passed.
Dancing was just a distant dream, something from a past life that lingered in a vague way.
But deep down in my heart, that fire was still lit, although unconsciously. How could it be otherwise? A dancer can only be a dancer if they have a young, vigorous body, an exceptional technique and live a life totally dedicated to the practice. But all this was just the product of a rigid mentality, a perspective of reality, a notion of my own personality and what dance is. Dancing is not just a series of coordinated and orchestrated movements by one body or a group of bodies, dancing is not just how high I can lift a leg, or the number of pirouettes I can do gracefully, in fact dancing is life itself. And we all dance, consciously or unconsciously. A dancer simply has more tools.
This realisation, or profound wisdom, only emerged when all the noise stopped.
By letting go of all expectations during my spiritual awakening process, by being who I really was. The turning point came during my first sacred masculine retreat with Rui Estrela. It was during a Cacau ceremony that dance was brought back to me, in a new and renewed relationship, where self-love and the desire to go deeper within myself were the main motivations and impulse.
Such an unexpected and marvellous gift from life can only be repaid by being of service.
It is with humble gratitude that I offer the visions of my inner journey to other souls who are also looking for this self-love and desire to dive deeper into themselves.

My path
I'm a member of Adam Barley's mentoring circle, founder of the ZeroOne method and disciple of Gabrielle Roth, with over 30 years of experience in movement.
I have trained in Therapeutic Dance with Dina Fonseca and
I've taken part in numerous workshops and retreats related to movement and the sacred masculine, with teachers/facilitators such as Jo Hardy, Ana Leonor Ladas, Natalia Vik, Kana Ote, Rui Estrela and Miguel Sevilhano.
More information below:
Relevant Formal Training
- 2022 -
Participation in the Training Course in Fundamentals of Dance and Movement Psychotherapy (Postgraduate).
University of Coimbra.
Intensive Training in Dance Therapy "The Journey of the Body" with Dina Fonseca. 124 hours. Hórus Massages, Lisbon. Final retreat at Biovilla, Palmela.
Workshops Participations
- 2023 -
14 and 15 October - Introduction to Tantric Bodywork. Initiation to Tantric Bodywork and deepening of relationship skills. Learn the art of touch and bodywork as a healing tool, create a deeper intimacy in connections and with myself, deepen the trust in my own body.